Impressions Vienna Vesna
During my one-month stay at BOKU (Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment- Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control and within International relations office) I felt extremely welcomed and established excellent relations with colleagues, who enabled me to collect details on the institution, its academic structure, study programmes and facilities offered to students. My aim was to gather as much information as possible to establish a new Erasmus Arrangement, which will lead to more intensive cooperation between BOKU and University of Nis. Everyday talks with colleagues, exchange of experience were educational, stimulating, very enjoyable and gave me vast of ideas how to improve some things in my teaching and research practice.
My impression of Vienna was amazing- a very beautiful and organized city with wonderful architecture full of history, offering numerous activities. Typical Viennese cuisine including many specialties, such as Wiener Schnitzel, tafelspitz, apfelstrudel, topfenstrudel, palatschinken, buchteln, sashertorte was the source of unmeasurable pleasure. The Viennise experience enriched me in many ways-professionally, historically and culturally.
My impression of Vienna was amazing- a very beautiful and organized city with wonderful architecture full of history, offering numerous activities. Typical Viennese cuisine including many specialties, such as Wiener Schnitzel, tafelspitz, apfelstrudel, topfenstrudel, palatschinken, buchteln, sashertorte was the source of unmeasurable pleasure. The Viennise experience enriched me in many ways-professionally, historically and culturally.
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