Springer published the book titled “Natural Risk Management and Engineering NatRisk Project”
Springer published the book titled “Natural Risk Management and Engineering NatRisk Project”. This book summarizes the research being pursued as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE KA2 project entitled "Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries” (NatRisk). It presents reports on new research directions in the field of natural disasters risk management and enables government bodies, specialized personnel and private citizens to prevent and adequately cope with the consequences of natural disasters.
Link: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030393908 |
Prva generacija studenata novog master studijskog programa
Na Građevinsko-aritektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu u toku je realizacija novog akreditovanog master studijskog programa „Inženjerski menadžment rizika od prirodnih katastrofa“ ostvarenog u okviru Erasmus+ projekta NatRisk. Nastava se realizuje za 16 upisanih studenata, koji će nakon završenog školovaja postati stručnjaci u oblasti procene rizika u uslovima prirodnih katastrofa.
Novi akreditovani master studijski program na Univerzitetu
Rezultat trogodišnjeg NatRisk projekta je akreditovanje novog master studijskog programa na Građevinsko-arhitektonskom fakultetu – Inženjerski menadžment rizika od prirodnih katastrofa.
NatRisk Erazmus+ projekat traje već tri godine i finansira ga EU komisija, a Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet bio je nosilac i koordinator projekta ispred 13 drugih univerziteta i fakulteta iz cele Evrope. Razvoj master studijskog programa za upravljanje rizicima od prirodnih katastrofa na Zapadnom Balkanu bio je u fokusu NatRisk projekta, koji je finansiran iz Erazmus+ programa evropske komisije, a realizuje se u periodu od oktobra 2016. do oktobra 2019. godine. Opšti cilj projekta je izrada master nastavnih programa za upravljanje rizicima od prirodnih katastrofa u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i edukacija stručnjaka za prevenciju i upravljanje rizicima od prirodnih katastrofa u regionu Zapadnog Balkana u skladu sa nacionalnim i EU politikama.
Stvoreni su uslovi na fakultetima kroz modernizovane laboratorije sa najnovijom hardverskom i softverskom opremom za simulacije i procene elementarnih nepogoda gde studenti stiču praktično znanje koje je moguće odmah primeniti, a savremeno opremljene biblioteke koje će značajno doprineti inovativnim master studijskim programima još jedan su od velikih benefita ovog projekta. Studenti koji odaberu novootvoreni akreditovani master studijski program, u trajanju od godinu dana (dva semestra), nakon uspešnog završetka programa dobijaju zvanje master inženjer menadžmenta.
Почела настава прве генерације студената новог мастер програма
Криминалистичко-полицијски универзитет је уписао прву генерацију студената на студијски програм мастер академских студија „Управљање безбедносним ризицима природних катастрофа“. Овај студијски програм резултат је реализације међународног пројекта „Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries (NatRisk)“ у оквиру Erasmus+ програма Европске уније. Настава на овом програму почела је у среду, 2. октобра 2019. године за 16 уписаних студената, који ће након завршеног школовања постати стручњаци за управљање системом безбедности у условима природних катастрофа.
Više na sajtu: LINK
BESTSDI & NatRisk Project Final Conference
September 03-05, 2019
After three years of hard and successful work two Erasmus+ Capacity Building in field of Higher Education projects, BESTSDI and NatRisk are coming to its end. The results achieve will be presented at the joint Final conference of those two projects at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Reason to organize joint Final conference lies in the fact that project teams have recognized interconnections between those two projects relaying on spatial data, and need to build standardized infrastructure for collection, storage and exchange of spatial data which will enable efficient use of those data in many fields of human activity, like natural disaster risks management what is the case in NatRisk project. Final conference will also be opportunity to present results of research conducted on the European level about Academia-Business cooperation requirements towards establishment of efficient SDI, which has been conducted jointly by BESTSDI project and European Spatial Data Research association - EuroSDR.
More on Conference Website
Fifth Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings
March 20-21, 2019
The fifth Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings will be organized at Middlesex University (MUHEC) on March 20-21, 2019. The participants will present the activities they have already implemented and the plan of the activities they intend to carry out. They will also describe the problems they encountered and possible solutions. |
Oдржано свечано уручење индекса првој генерацији мастер студенатa
December 07, 2018
Дана, 07.12.2018. (петак), у 16.30 сати, у кабинету криминалистике одржано је свечано уручење индекса првој генерацији мастер студената Факултета безбједносних наука.
Након поздравне ријечи декана Факултета, доц. др Предрага Ћеранића и уручивања индекса, студенти су од 17.00 сати присустовали настави из обавезног предмета Природне непогоде и катастрофе.
Više na link-u
Prva generacija studenata
Nevember 03. 2018
Univerzitet u Sarajevu je uspešno upisao prvu generaciju studenata master programa pod nazivom „Zaštita od prirodnih katastrofa“ školske 2018/2019 godine razvijenog u okviru NatRisk projekta. |
Aкадемија добила најсавременију рачунарску опрему и „XVR Simulation Platform“ софтвер за симулирање безбедносних догађаја
October 19, 2017
У среду 27. септембра 2017. године, у Криминалистичко-полицијској академији у Београду боравили су Sašo Štebe, директор агенције за промет специјализованих рачунарских софтвера „Sinergija MCI“, са седиштем у Словенији и Peter Coelewij, међународни менаџер агенције за производњу симулационе технологије у области безбедности „XVR simulation“, са седиштем у Холандији
Read more: Download |
Kриминалистичко-полицијски универзитет спреман да постане део Eвропског простора високог образовања и науке
September 24, 2018
Бити део Европског простора високог образовања и науке подразумева изграђеност институционалних капацитета и референтне људске ресурсе високошколских установа да учествују у извођењу наставе и обуке, у спровођењу научних истраживања у иностранству и у реализовању научних пројеката у оквиру међународних конзорцијума које чине високошколске и истраживачке установе из више земаља.
Reade more: Download
Fourth Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings
September 5-6, 2018
The fourth Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings and the second Special Mobility Strand meeting will be organized at the Technical University of Crete (TUC) on September 05-06, 2018. The participants will present the activities they have already implemented and the plan of the activities they intend to carry out. They will also describe the problems they encountered and possible solutions. |
Training for citizens and public sector
June 5 2018
University of Defence (UNID) will organize the first training for citizens and public sector in Belgrade, June 14, 2018. Training will cover wide spectra of very important topics related to natural disasters risk management. |
Training for citizens and public sector
May 15. 2018
Technical College of Applied Sciences Urosevac with temporary seat in Leposavic (TCASU) will organize the first two-day training for citizens and public sector in Leposavic, May 22-23, 2018. Training will cover wide spectra of very important topics related to natural disasters risk management such as floods, droughts, earthquakes and landslides. |
Training for citizens and public sector
May 10. 2018
Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies (KPA) will organize the first two-day training for citizens and public sector in Belgrade, May 17-18, 2018. Training will cover wide spectra of very important topics related to natural disasters risk management. |
Training for citizens and public sector
May 08. 2018
University of Banja Luka (UBL) will organize the first training for citizens and public sector in Banja Luka, May 11, 2018. Training will cover wide spectra of very important topics related to natural disasters risk management such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, landslides, slopes, and fire. |
Training for citizens and public sector
May 08. 2018
University of Niš (UNI) will organize the first two-day training for citizens and public sector in Nis – Rectorate building, May 10-11, 2018. Training will cover wide spectra of very important topics related to natural disasters risk management such as floods, droughts, earthquakes and landslides. |
Training for citizens and public sector
April 20, 2018
University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica (UPKM) will organize the first two-day training for citizens and public sector in Kosovska Mitrovica, April 24-25, 2018. Training will cover wide spectra of very important topics related to natural disasters risk management. |
Third Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings and Inter-project coaching meeting
March 7 -8, 2018
University of Defence (UNID) will be organizing third Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings and Inter-project coaching meeting, March 07-08, 2018. Meetings will cover wide spectra of very important topics including Special Mobility Strand. Future action plan for next six months will be presented. During inter-project coaching meeting different WB and EU experiences regarding implementation of similar projects will be spread. |
University of Sarajevo, the project partner, announced and took public procurement for purchase equipment, software and literature for the needs of the project which is co-funded from Erasmus+ CBHE Program of the European Union.
Subject of procurement is unified procurement of computers, software and literature. Modern equipment and software will be installed at University of Sarajevo and University of Banja Luka.
The tendering procedure call can be found at:
https://www.ejn.gov.ba/Announcement/Search |
Study visit and training of teaching staff in Vienna
November 14-16, 2017
The Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering at the Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), will be hosting the fifth NatRisk teaching staff training and study visit for Western Balkan partner HEIs from 14th to 16th November 2017. Within Activity 2.3 of the project, a full day will be devoted to the training of Western Balkan partners in the field of innovative teaching methods in the classroom. A second day will focus on teaching methods in the laboratories, by visiting the labs of the Institute of Water Management including the associated outdoor research channel as well as the Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering. The study visit within Activity 3.2 will introduce the participants to the flood protection system of Vienna and show innovative flood protection measures in the field, which is presented in cooperation with the Austrian Danube River management authority „viadonau“. |
Second Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings
19-20 September 2017
The second Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings will be organized at the University of Messina University (UNIME) on September 19-20, 2017. The participants will present the activities they have already implemented and the plan of the activities they intend to carry out. They will also describe the problems they encountered and possible solutions. |
Study visit and training of teaching staff in Messina
19-21 September 2017
University of Messina, Italy, will be hosting the fourth teaching staff training and study visit for Western Balkan partner HEIs, 19th-21st September, 2017 in Messina. The meeting sessions will be held in the Senate Room of the Rectorate Building. Study visit will be to the laboratories of the Department of Engineering (structures, geotechnics and hydraulics) and the CERISI laboratories (seismic and geotechnics). |
Study visit and training of teaching staff in Chania
10-12 July 2017
School of Production Engineering and Management at Technical University of Crete (TUC), Greece, will be hosting the third teaching staff training and study visit for Western Balkan partner HEIs, 10-12 July, 2017 in Chania. Within the Activity 2.3 the trainers of the TUC will show the teaching methods of Greece to the teachers of Western Balkan countries. Also, within Activity 3.2 study visit will be organized about the best practices of TUC. |
Study visit and training of teaching staff in London
28-30 June 2017
Middlesex University London will be hosting on the 28th-30th June the second teaching staff training and study visit for Western Balkan partners HEIs. The interactive sessions will be delivered by the University's centres; Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC) and Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE). The study sessions will introduce and discuss social components of risk management and the training sessions focus on concepts and methods in summative assessment in curriculum development. Delegates will also participate in activities at Middlesex University’s Erasmus 30th Anniversary Event. |
Study visit and training of teaching staff in Budapest
23-25 May 2017
Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering at Óbuda University will be hosting the first teaching staff training and study visit for Western Balkan partner HEIs, 23-25 May, 2017 in Budapest. Within the Activity 2.3 the trainers of the OE will show the teaching methods of Hungary to the teachers of Western Balkan countries. Also, within Activity 3.2 study visit will be organized about the best practices of OE. |
Purchase of equipment and software for two HEIs in Kosovo*
Technical College of Applied Sciences Urosevac, the project partner, announced and took public procurement for purchase equipment and software for the needs of the project which is co-funded from Erasmus+ CBHE Program of the European Union. Subject of procurement is unified procurement of computers and software. Modern equipment and the software will be installed at University of Kosovska Mitrovica in Kosovska Mitrovica and Technical College of Applied Sciences in Urosevac with temporary seat in Leposavic.
The tendering procedure call can be found at:
Link 1
Link 2
Purchase equipment, software and literature for three HEIs in Serbia
University of Niš, the project coordinator, announced and took public procurement for purchase equipment, software and literature for the needs of the project which is co-funded from Erasmus+ CBHE Program of the European Union. Subject of procurement is unified procurement of computers, software and literature. Modern equipment and the software will be installed at University of Niš, University of Defence in Belgrade and Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies in Belgrade.
The tendering procedure call can be found at:
Link 1
Link 2
First Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings
5-7 April 2017
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) will be organizing first Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings, April 05-07, 2017. Meetings will cover wide spectra of very important topics, adopt created plans. Future action plan for next six months will be presented.
Workshop on master curricula best practices in EU partners
5-7 April 2017
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) will be hosting a three days workshop for all partner HEIs, April 05-07, 2017. Workshop will cover a wide spectar of very important topics. Among others, session will cover analysis of natural disasters in WB countries, established practices and study programmes in EU partner countries and key elements for new curricula for WB HEIs.
Kick-off meeting Niš
15-16 December 2016
The Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE project Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries will be held at the University of Niš on 15 and 16 December 2016. The goal of the meeting was to acquaint all project partners with the most relevant issues of project implementation, to discuss and confirm the aim, objectives, workplan and results foreseen by original project application, to establish project bodies and adopt project visual identity.